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Line Id: La Corredoria-Oviedo

City: Asturias, Spain

Provider: Transportes Recollo SA

Bus stop: C.P. Veneranda Manzano

Bus stop: Calle De Velasquita Giráldez

Bus stop: Padre Suárez 1

Bus stop: Calle Del Río Sella

Bus stop: Reyes Católicos

Bus stop: La Florida II

Bus stop: La Lloral


C.P. Veneranda Manzano
Calle De Velasquita Giráldez
Padre Suárez 1
Calle Del Río Sella
Reyes Católicos
La Florida II
La Lloral
205 Cl Gil Blas
Calle Velasqueta Giráldez
39 Cl Padre Suarez
56 Cl Rio Sella
20 Cl Puerto Tarna
24 Paseo de La Florida
S/N Cs Lloral,la

Additional information: LA CORREDORIA-OVIEDO has 7 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 minutes.

Sunday :
Monday :
Tuesday :2:00 PM
Wednesday :2:00 PM
Thursday :2:00 PM
Friday :
Saturday :2:00 PM